Good News, Bad News & Free Books
A Ring of Oak & Apple is finished and available for free to members of my mailing list. If you would like a copy, sign up here:
Should you have any difficulty downloading your free copy, don’t be afraid to light the torches and take up your pitch fork and storm the gates via a strongly worded email. Or just let me know and I’ll happily help.
I’m a bit of an eejit, I never put the Goodreads link in the back of the novella. It’s a nice, short read to put towards your Goodreads challenge, if you’re taking part. I’m way behind my reading this year. There’s a snowy cap forming on my mountainous 'to-be-read' pile and I haven’t made a dent in it at all. If you are participating, here’s the link for GOODREADS
Win a Signed Copy of A Ring of Oak & Apple
I love my e-reader, but I’d choose a physical book over a digital one every time. I find it far easier to lose myself in a page than on a screen. There’s a pleasure in watching the slow progress as you turn pages. It’s even better if it’s your own book. It’s a weird experience looking at something that was once a figment of your imagination and then seeing it solidified, in the real world. It’s like distilling magic. Or in a far less romantic way of looking at it, it’s exactly like uploading a document to Amazon, paying a cover designer and then shipping some ink stained pages to your house.
That was a long winded way of saying that I’ve made A Ring of Oak & Apple available as a physical book on Amazon.
But I wouldn’t recommend buying it, considering you probably have a free digital copy of it since you’re reading this.
However if you would like to own your own signed paperback of the novella, then you could win one of two copies. I’ve set up a competition on my facebook page. You can check it out here:
There are two copies up for grabs. One will be won through random selection. Just comment and share the post.
The second copy will be awarded to the person with the best answer to ‘How would you go out in a zombie apocalypse?’ (I added the random prize just in case 2020 has gotten you to the point where you have no interest in fantasising about how you’d bow out in a zombie apocalypse).
The winners of both books will be chosen from the people that comment on and share the contest post. Good luck!
I have a bit of bad news regarding Weep 2 Slack Jaw. I have to push back the release date, November is just not manageable. Ireland has gone into level 5 lockdown and my day job workload has increased substantially these last few weeks. Yes I am hiding behind the coronavirus, though I’ve no love for doing so.
I don’t want to set another date and potentially miss it. So I’ll update sparingly on my facebook page and send you an email when it’s available to read. I do apologise, I know how annoying it is to be looking forward to something only to have it delayed.
If you enjoyed A Ring of Oak & Apple, you’ll be happy to hear that I’m planning to tell the stories of survivors Ian, Jack and Eilish and what happens to the island after Fin leaves. Don’t worry, I’ll finish Fins story first.
If you're looking for something to tide you over until Weep 2 comes out, then you might find something in this promotion. Nearly a hundred authors have offered their stories for free!
A Ring of Oak & Apple looks a bit over dressed there, by that I mean there are a lot of topless men on covers next to it. The divils. I hope nobody clicks on it expecting some wolf shifter romance, instead they’ll get a sullen lad huffing perfume.
Anyway, all the books there are free through November, you might find something you like from Paranormal, Horror, Urban Fantasy and Thriller. Check it out.
That’s all my news for now, I do hope you’re keeping well. I’ll let you know as soon as Slack Jaw is available.
All the best for now,