Last Discworld Books
Raising Steam & The Shepherd’s Crown
The first Terry Pratchett book I ever read was a non-fiction collection, A Slip of the Keyboard. That was five years and a day ago. Since then I’ve delved deep into Discworld and loved every moment. I can’t think of any other series that has made me laugh as much as this one has, or made me invest in so many characters. I’ve lost sleep on countless nights spent following threads hundreds of pages deep to the back cover. I remember crying with laughter during a long bus journey reading ‘Interesting Times.’ That was when a dropbear, a koala like creature with a hardened arse to bludgeon prey, dropped onto a wizard with too much starch in his pointy hat.
For five years and a day, I’ve had a new book from the Disc to look forward to. Now, I only have two more to experience for the first time:
40: Raising Steam
41: The Shepherd’s Crown
The last time I had this feeling of not wanting to start a story I know I’ll love was when I had the last Harry Potter novel in my hand and knew I could only ever read it for the first time once.
I’ll be going through these two books slowly, savouring every page.